My friends know that I work hard, however, I play harder!!!
As I decide to take a trip, I'll do my best to accomplish this plan.

After both of us made our minds that we want to visit London, we have different jobs to do.
Grace was looking for the special discount news, and I was responsible for  the plane tickets.  But most important thing, we had to decide where are the views we want to pay a visit.   We both had some common views we wanted to go, but also had different interests in the culture side. For example, Grace wanted to see 3 musicals: Mamma Mia, Les Miserables, and the Phantom of the Opera.  And I wanted to see a play of Shakespeare, in the famous Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.  I spent about 1 week's nights to see 2 books about London, and made my mind where to go, and if have no time, where to phase out.  We decided to meet and discussed about our itinerary in a weekend afternoon.  No kidding!  We spent 3 hours to discuss!!!  Wow!!!  Backpackers must have to do a lot of work to plan this!!! Time-consuming, but interesting!!!  And will have a sense of accomplishment!!!
But till now, I still don't know how to eliminate my pack burden!!!  I think it need some time, and a not so short way to go, hm.......

OK!!!  Now we are ready to fly to London.  Let the journey begin!!!   ^^

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